It took me a minute to think of an answer to this but I believe I have it! Haha- this is a mess!
Let me just say that I am so grateful for the progress that has been made in the world of technology. We're able to pause and rewind television shows. . . Record them and watch other shows at the same time because of amazing things such as the DVR.
I like to record a variety of programs- a couple of reality shows, some dramatic series, music specials and so on. However, the one category that blesses my soul HAS to be animated movies! LOL!
I don't know what it is. Maybe they remind me of being in daycare. We would watch movies like Cinderella and The Aristocats right before we all took a nap. Whatever the reason is. . . I like to call these movies my personal lullaby.
If I'm having trouble sleeping or just want to go to sleep faster, all I have to do is put on a movie (usually Despicable Me or the Princess and the Frog) and I'm guaranteed to be knocked out within 10 minutes- unless I really make an effort to stay awake and pay attention!
(Almost There from The Princess and the Frog)
What's truly sad is that there have been multiple times that I've started a movie and all I remember seeing was the title! (Who does that?!)
The other thing that I love to do is listen to Afro-Cuban music. . . especially when I'm cleaning or working on a project. I think I actually/ secretly wished that I had some Latin roots ;-).
Going back to the blessing that is technology. . . Sirius XM Radio has a wonderful station that I love! LUNA is what I listen to when I need a change in pace or an extra bit of motivation. I'm listening to the song below as I type this:
Guachi Guara (Soul Sauce) by Jam Miami All Stars
Needless to say. . . I guess I do have a couple weird/funny behaviors but they are part of what makes me- ME. I think they keep me light-hearted :-p.
Do you have any weird or funny traits??? Wanna share? Leave a comment below!
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