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7 Revelations for 37

I really was trying to get through this birthday- well- get away with not writing anything specific, but all of a sudden, ideas started flowing.

So. . . Here are 7 Revelations that I am trying to be mindful of as I go through Year 37.

1. Proverbs 4:23 is a command (not a suggestion). It reads, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life (AMP)." Other translations say to keep or guard your heart. . . In other words, be selective and protect it. Watch what you allow to enter your heart. Seeds may be planted by various circumstances, people with whom you interact, etc. but you do not need to allow everything to take root. Things like bitterness, frustration, and envy will try to find a home within you. Beware: Whatever you allow to take root in your heart will be reflected through your actions!

2. This goes right with Point #1. Be willing to have uncomfortable conversations. Clearing the air can also help to keep your heart [and spirit] clear. In the past year, I've had several conversations that I wasn't exactly excited about. However, they were most definitely needed. In each situation, both parties realized we had formed ideas that weren't always accurate. Thankfully, we were able to clear up misconceptions and misunderstandings because we communicated. Don't jump to conclusions or try to fill in the blanks. . . Be willing to talk.

3. Even if you forget. . . God remembers! This past Friday, I found a notebook where I'd listed out various goals/prayer requests. It wasn't dated, so I don't know exactly when I first started writing this list. When I read #10, I was speechless. It was, "Be featured in Voyage Dallas." You may know that this actually happened at the beginning of September. I have no idea how or why but they contacted me in August and requested an interview. I reluctantly agreed. Realizing that this was something I had prayed about but forgot blew my mind because it's already happened! It's a blessing to know that God is so mindful of us that even if we forget, He remembers! He will bring our prayers to pass, according to His Will! (Click here to read the interview)

4. Let God amaze you! Your prayers may be too small. . . (Ephesians 3:20) One of the highlights of this past year was working on an amazing two-day conference for women! As I was telling someone about it, I realized. . . I went from DMing a woman I've admired and saying, "It would be great to meet you, in person this year!" to helping her execute her God-given vision! I never would have expected that! The entire experience was inspiring and truly stretched me. I'm so thankful God opened that door- partly because I learned. . .

5. People need what you have! You're not helping anyone by hiding or shrinking. While she and I had exchanged messages through social media, I believe it was my writing that really put me on her radar. After one of her challenges, I sent her a picture of my notes. She requested to see them and then messaged me like, "What do you do for a living?!" When she told me about the conference, she not only invited me to operate in the gifts/skills that she was aware of but encouraged me to try other things as well. I found myself doing a little bit of everything- including curating the conference's playlist! (Y'all know I don't play about my music! LOL!) I absolutely LOVED being on this team because we all came with various strengths and we were able to complement each other. Ideas that I thought were irrelevant were considered and valued. I had the opportunity to spread my wings.

6. Quality vs. quantity applies to friendships too. In the last couple of years, I've been amazed by some of the connections and friendships that have been established in my life. It's funny. With two ladies in particular. . . I'm sure people would assume we've been in each other's lives for much longer than we have. However, I believe God knew what we needed. I appreciate having so many friends who are willing to push, encourage, pour into, and challenge me. We do that for each other. It's a blessing to be surrounded by people who want to promote your growth and development! Don't write off making new friends. They may be vital to the next chapter of your life.

(This book was actually a gift from a friend. . . It's so good!)

7. If you want others to respect you, you need to establish and respect your own boundaries. Something I've definitely gotten better at is pacing myself and establishing boundaries to help prevent burnout and undue stress. Sometimes that looks like putting my phone on DND (and Airplane Mode if I'm super serious). At others, it may look like not overextending myself to fulfill a last-minute request. We cannot get upset with people for not respecting our boundaries if we don't even abide by them. We're setting the tone for how we expect others to treat us. Saying "No" or "No, thank you" is sufficient. We don't need to overexplain. Sometimes we can be so considerate of others that we don't consider ourselves. However, we won't be any good to others if we run ourselves ragged.

BONUS: Gratitude is always in order! Last Thursday, I walked outside to see that the tire I had just replaced in August was flat {again}. I suspected it could happen, so I'd parked outside vs. in my parking garage for more accessibility (Wednesday evening). I took an Uber to work and was no good. "How is this happening? I have plans!" As I sat and felt frustrated, I quickly heard these lyrics, 

"So I throw up my hands 
And praise You again and again
'Cause all that I have is a hallelujah

"Okay, Lord. . . I got it!" I thought to myself.

The title of the song is literally GRATITUDE (by Brandon Lake)! I felt as though God quickly shifted my perspective and reminded me to be grateful! Wednesday night, I could easily have had a blowout on the highway but He kept me safe! Yes- a flat tire is an inconvenience but I was alive and safe. Fortunately, the tire was able to be repaired and I didn't have a pay a dime! Let's all remember to be grateful to God for all He has done, is doing, and will do. . .

Life is full of lessons and revelations. I hope these few points will help you to consider things and be encouraged as we move into a new month.

Thank you for checking out my 2024 Birthday Thoughts!


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