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Showing posts from September, 2016

Condos, Poetry, and Goals

Seeing pictures was one thing but walking around my "auntie's" new home kind of blew my mind. A little over a year before this visit, my mom and I sat with her as she described this place  that she wanted to move into. I honestly think I forgot about it for a while until I saw Facebook posts regarding the move. It was really happening! Seeing my auntie's new home- in person and attempting to take in its beauty made me grateful to God for the way that He had blessed her! Romans 12:15 instructs us to "Rejoice with them that rejoice." During our visit, both my mother and auntie challenged/encouraged me to give myself more credit, step out on faith, and pursue the goals and dreams that mean(t) the most to me. A few days later, I decided to make a 30 by 30 List .  I decided that even if I don't accomplish every single item by the time I'm 30 years old, I still want to work towards completing the list or revising it as it becomes