When you truly have a desire to learn and grow, you seriously can find valuable lessons in the most random locations and experiences. . .
Even while you're cleaning your room.
The first lesson came about while I was straightening up my nightstand. I have a desk lamp that also has an organizer with multiple compartments. In one of the larger sections, I had a pile of cards (business and gift cards). My initial thought was to dump the entire pile in the trash - simply because of how long it had been sitting there. After a minute, I figured that I should at least check the balances on the remaining gift cards. While most of them were already used/ almost empty, a few had the full value!
I realized that sometimes we are quick to discard or throw away things (and people). . .
Rather than rushing to do this, we need to take the time to make informed decisions. We need to evaluate the roles that these people or items have in our lives. Is this person a blessing or negative influence in my life? Does a particular item or habit cause problems for me or is it helping me to become a better person? Once you take the time to consider these things, you'll be better-equipped to make the right decision.
Had I chosen to throw everything away (without checking), I would have missed out on $15 for Coldstone's Creamery & $25 for Outback Steakhouse! I'm definitely glad that I checked first. . .
My window indirectly presented the next lesson. After graduating from college, I ended up with a couple of (HUGE) boxes of miscellaneous items. Since I chose not to sort through them- right then, they ended up in front of my window. Every now and then, I would look at them and think about how I needed to go ahead and make progress but then I would choose to postpone the task.
This weekend, I learned (or was reminded). . . when you are tired and/or frustrated enough because of your circumstances, you WILL take action! I was determined to make my way through those boxes and did just that! Most of the stuff served me absolutely no purpose & was thrown away but other things (binders, notebooks, etc.) were in great shape! I laughed at myself for waiting so long to complete this project but more than that, I was happy to have it over with!
What circumstances are you tired of or frustrated by? You probably already know what actions you need to take in order to see the changes that you desire.
Sometimes, we all just need a little bit of motivation.
I hope this gives you a boost. . . Do whatever you need to do. Evaluate your circumstances and surroundings. Figure out what you want and need to see in your life. Make the necessary adjustments and I believe that you'll feel even more at peace.
God bless!
Great lessons, Kara. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGreat lessons, Kara. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for reading, Abisola!