*The topic of the most recent L.O.V.E. Meeting was "Powerful Women. . . Powerful Words!" so I decided to write an affirmation for my L.O.V.E.ly Ladies. Sometimes we need reminders. . .*
I Am Loved
I have been wonderfully and
fearfully made! I can walk in
confidence because God has created me for a reason! He will equip me for every assignment that I am meant to
Even when I face challenges, I
will not give up. God holds my
world! He has a plan for my life
and will be with me- every step of the way. I will Rejoice in the
Lord and remember that His Joy is My
As each day goes by, I will not sweat the small stuff. I’ll focus on those things that are important
to me and pray for wisdom when dealing with difficult situations.
I will not be bound by fear, guilt or pressure from other people’s
expectations or opinions of me. I will live by faith! All
things are possible with God. As
long as there is breath in my body, every single day is an opportunity to fulfill His purpose for my life.
I will present my life as a sacrifice
before God and apply His Word to my life. I will strive to be an accurate reflection of His Love so
that others will be drawn to Him. I
want to live in a way that will bring
glory to His Name. I want to
make Him smile!
I am grateful to know that I have sisters and friends who are praying
for me. We will hold each other
accountable and support each other through this journey. We will continue to Love God, ourselves
and others! I will always remember
that. . .
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