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Showing posts from 2012

My {Senses} Prayer- December 3, 2012

Dear Lord. . . I've been noticing some things that have reminded me just how valuable a sincere relationship with You truly is! I'm asking You to please guard my heart, soul and mind. . . Allow me to stay focused on You and not worry about things that may simply appeal to my senses . Lord, let me see people for who they really are and establish appropriate boundaries. Allow me to surround myself with friends who will push me closer to you and not try to pull me away. Guard my mind and make me realize that while You can choose to use me, it is only for YOUR glory. It's not about me! Let me never think that I've accomplished any of my goals on my own. . . but  cause me to remember that it was through Your help and strength. Lord Jesus, draw me closer to You!  Increase my desire to spend time in Your presence!  Allow me to hear Your voice clearly and let You lead me. Let me taste your Word-> even the 'dishes' that I may not like. Your Word is n...

What Can I Give?- October 8, 2012

A few weeks ago, my father/pastor (Elder Leon Frison) preached a message from Psalm 116:12 & 13.  We've all probably heard these verses at one time or another. . . but for some reason, I thought about them in a brand new way. Psalm 116:12 & 13- "What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me?  I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord." (KJV) The Message//REMIX writes it as, "What can I give back to God for the blessings He's poured out on me? I'll lift high the cup of salvation- a toast to God!" The author is posing a very interesting question here.  What could we (mere) humans possibly give  to God??? Let's first consider the idea of giving someone a present.  Often times, we try to pick something that the recipient will appreciate- something that we know they've wanted or needed.  And if you give someone a gift, you probably want to know that they are grateful for it. In Psalm 1...

25 Lessons

You really can learn something new- every day, if you pay attention :-). With my 25th birthday coming up (on Sunday!), I've been reflecting over my life (as always lol).  I've learned many things, through a variety of experiences and  I just want to share some of those lessons with you.  I hope this list encourages you and makes you think.  Here goes. . . 25 Lessons 1) God is God. . . by Himself! There's no such thing as 'helping Him.'  Let Him simply work in your life! 2) Every person in your life serves a purpose. We've all heard the season, reason, lifetime analysis.  We can learn from everybody that we encounter.  Some people I've grown incredibly close to or simply learned from, while others have shown me exactly what I do NOT want to become!   3) "Please" and "thank you" will NEVER get old. These words can totally change the way that someone receives what you're saying.  I try to thank people fo...

I Can't Buy It!

"They are trying way too hard." Have you ever watched a tv show/movie or had a conversation with someone and thought that?  Sometimes it could be a matter of trying to create a sense of chemistry that isn't there or maybe one person is trying to impress another.  It's quite interesting to me. . . I remember having a conversation with my uncle, a few years ago.  We were discussing the various ways that people may treat PKs (preacher's kids).  Sometimes people feel extremely comfortable talking to me- when they find out that my father is a pastor.  ( At times, they become a little too comfortable and I start to feel like their therapist. . . I love to offer encouraging words though.  And I appreciate the fact that they trust me enough to share things with me. )  Other people seem to close up.  It's as though they think I'll scrutinize their every move :-/.  I promise- I'm a sweetheart :-). THEN. . . we have those people who end up being ...

A Message for the Ladies. . .

I've written/re-written this post so many times that I decided to start over and say what I think is really important. . . Ladies!  It is so much more important to look for ways to improve your relationship with God- than to figure out how to "get a man!"  I know... I know... I don't have one, BUT I'm fine with that (lol). In this day and time, it seems like ladies are struggling to recognize and walk in their worth.  Some feel that they need a man to complete them or their life will have no purpose. If you need to be reminded, just read Psalm 139:14! "I thank you, High God-- You're breathtaking!  Body & soul, I am marvelously made!"   -{The Message//REMIX} It's so easy to get distracted in this thing called life. So we have to be careful, or else we'll lose focus on the things that are truly important. Let me take you back for a minute. . .when I was 19, I "dated" this guy and actually believed that he just migh...

I Almost. . . But I Didn't!- October 11, 2011

I almost forgot what I was worth. . . almost forgot that He loved me first but He reminded me. Things almost got out of hand. I almost walked out of His Will. . . His plan for me! Yet, He loved me! So much so, that He sent messages to me. Whether it was through a still, soft voice Or a gentle nudge to make the right choice. I heard it.  I felt it. I heard Him say. . . Don't listen to the world’s sweet nothings. Everything's not gold- just because it glistens. I've created you for myself . I want to be your love, your joy. . . your help. When will you realize how much I  love you? What more do I have to do?! I've given you strength, health and life. I can take what’s wrong and make it right. Don't sell yourself short! How I feel for you is in my Word. You’re wonderful beautiful fearfully made The love I have for you will never fade. Don’t let the world distract you. Simply set your affections on the things that are true Lovel...

With My Voice- January 2, 2012

I woke up yesterday- close to tears.  My throat felt like it was on fire and all I wanted to do was cry.  I tried to get my sister's attention but I couldn't speak!  I could just barely  whisper.  That moment scared me so much-> knowing that I was TRYING to talk and no sound would come out.  After some tea, medicine and rest, I regained some of my voice.   Even now- as I write this, I'm (patiently) waiting for it to get back to normal. These moments made me think. . . What if God could only hear the words we utter?  What if He only honored the requests that we make with our mouths. . . our voices? I'm grateful to know that He knows our every thought before it even crosses our mind.  It's assuring to know that while I'm praying, God is already  answering! With all of that said, I decided to write as though I was speaking directly to God. What would I say if He could only read my thoughts?  Let's see. . . ~ Lord Jesus,...

Being Honest. . . {Your Love} - April 21, 2012

Lord, I thank You for reminding me of Your LOVE! It seems like these past few days- weeks, I was so focused on encouraging my friends and family members. . . that I forgot about myself.  I've been trying to remind my loved ones that You've created them for a reason.  In the meantime, I was facing my own issues and now I see that I wasn't doing so well. After striving to show compassion and understanding to the people that I care about, I was DRAINED !  I was feeling confused, tired and I wasn't motivated to do much of anything.  I felt like everybody was calling me for advice but I was the one who needed it. All of a sudden (during a conversation with my cousin), it was like a giant bulb lit up and shined brightly for me!  As much as I've heard people say things like, "Encourage yourself!  Don't let the devil steal your joy!"- I guess these sayings just had to become real to me! I was reminded that I've also been created for a reason!  Yo...

Let Him Use You! {Availability}

Sometimes it’s amazing to me- just to sit and think about God’s love for me (us)… Before I even had knowledge of Him, HE knew EVERYTHING about me!  It’s crazy to think that the One who has created the universe— the One who established the foundation of the world-> cares enough about us that He’s mindful of the number of strands of hair we have.  He knows how many breaths we’ll take because He is supplying them for us.  How can we not be grateful for that?!  He hears our prayers- before we even think or speak them out loud.  Not only that, but He takes the time to listen and answer us.   “Though millions call Your name, You still make time for me. That’s incredible… to me.” {It Would Take All Day- Kirk Franklin }  Considering  all  of these things causes me to be extremely grateful.  So it’s frustrating to see that so many people are trying harder to make names for themselves or *use God*… rather than allowing Him to work in a...