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7 Revelations for 37

I really was trying to get through this birthday- well- get away with not writing anything specific, but all of a sudden, ideas started flowing. So. . . Here are 7 Revelations that I am trying to be mindful of as I go through Year 37. 1. Proverbs 4:23 is a command (not a suggestion). It reads, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life (AMP)." Other translations say to keep or guard  your heart. . . In other words, be selective and protect it. Watch what you allow to enter your heart. Seeds may be planted by various circumstances, people with whom you interact, etc. but you do not need to allow everything to take root. Things like bitterness, frustration, and envy will try to find a home within you.  Beware: Whatever you allow to take root in your heart will be reflected through your actions! 2. This goes right with Point #1. Be willing to have uncomfortable conversations. Clearing the air can also help to keep your heart [and spirit] c
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