Dear Mom and Dad:
I hope you know that I truly love and appreciate you. And I hope that you don't disown me after reading this😅.
I simply want to share lessons that my siblings and I have learned from you and maybe broaden people's perceptions of you as well. . .
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven. - Matthew 5:16 (KJV)
Beloved; let us love one another: for love is of God: and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. - 1 John 4:7 (KJV)
I started with this because your love for God is the foundation of everything that you do.
Before my siblings & I were born, you both decided to make Jesus your choice. (See what I did there?😉) As a result, thousands of lives have been enriched!
You understand that ministry does not only occur within the walls of a church. Those with whom you come into contact are blessed to be recipients of your love, wisdom, and generosity. And I believe that that all stems from the connection that you have with God. You truly operate out of love- even if the love feels tough, at times. We know that you only want the best for us.
Not only that but you've done and continue to do so many things for other people- without worrying about recognition. A lot of people are not like that! There have been multiple occasions where people (including my friends!) have been shocked to find out that I didn't know about something that [either or both of] you have done for them. And that actually makes them appreciate you more.
Thank you for explaining that we need to know Jesus for ourselves. That's probably the most important lesson that you've conveyed. . . It's one thing to know of Him and another to actually know Him. And as we grow closer to Him, it's easier to recognize His voice.
Thank you for your perseverance. On a given Sunday, people would have no idea just how many families and individuals have passed through our services since our family moved from Pennsylvania to Maryland but you make sure that whether it's someone's 1st or 1,000th time attending a service, they feel the LOVE of God through your (church's) actions!
As many weddings as you've attended and Dad has performed, you are certainly familiar with traditional wedding vows. You two always emphasized that a healthy and successful marriage takes work and requires both parties' determination to put forth an effort. Thank you for working together and being teammates as you faced a variety of struggles (for better or worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, til death do you part). I know that in addition to depending on God, you also rely on one another.
Family & Friends
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly. - Proverbs 18:24a (KJV)
You truly have shown us the value of family- biological and adopted. You've encouraged us to be considerate and willing to inconvenience ourselves in order to support and show love to the people we care about and even people that we don't know.
To this day, I believe that outsiders simply cannot comprehend how much our family but especially the two of you sacrificed so that we could care for Mom-Mom (at home, for as long as possible). While we definitely had to work hard to coordinate our schedules/make sure there was coverage, it was worth it to have the peace of mind in knowing that one of us would be able to look after her or find appropriate assistance. When she was moved into the nursing home, you made sure our family's presence was known and that we each visited her- multiple days throughout the week.
Thank you for being selective about who you invited into your/our world. In addition to relatives, my siblings and I have been able to call some wonderful, loving, and talented people our uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends because of your friendships with them.
You've encouraged us to remember the difference between friends and acquaintances. You let us know that while everyone deserves respect, they don't all deserve access to us because they may not have our best interests at heart. I remember you saying, "If you're not making an impact on your friends, they're probably making more of an impact on you."
Thank you also for showing love to the friends of your children. So many of them and have nicknames for you and our family like Papa & Mama Frison and The Frison Family Network. You've been willing to share your time, food, and love with them and I know they value all of that.
Oh! I think this goes without saying but thank you for reminding us that our friends don't have to be replicas of us and vice versa. You've shown us that individuality is important and that we have the opportunity to learn from people who are different from us.
I keep thinking about your birthday party (June 2018) and the variety within the attendees. Classmates, relatives, coworkers, church family members, neighbors, fellow musicians, students, community leaders, and so on. . . They all CHOSE to be there or send their love because of how much you mean to them! And we know that had it not been for that event, some of your guests may not have ever crossed paths with each other. At the end of the day, they were able to spend time with old friends and meet new ones as well as learn about things that they may have had in common.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. . . - Proverbs 17:22 (KJV)
If people compare laughter to medicine, then we're extremely healthy! I love the fact that we can always find something to laugh and joke about. Whether it's me mistakingly taking Dad seriously about something or Mom being "extra," we know it's all in good fun.😎
Thank you for finding & creating opportunities for us to spend meaningful time together- outside of church. I've heard that some PKs (preacher's kids) have grown up- not really being able to spend time with their parents unless they were in services. Thankfully, that hasn't been the case with us. Some of my favorite memories include our trip to Busch Gardens, you two coming to my residence hall during my Senior Year and preparing a Welcome Back meal for my friends (when you took me back to college) after Spring Break, and the numerous concerts we've attended (including the time that Mom and I *cough* were excused from Bible Study to catch one of our favorite groups in Philly).
I have fond memories with each of you as well. Mom tries to say that I'm a Daddy's Girl but I think it's equal.😏 Dad: you and I mainly talk about music because our eclectic preferences are similar AND we joke for days. Mom: I think we have the more sentimental conversations and random experiences that end up being a lot of fun (the WAC steel drum concert, drama productions, etc.).
With Fun, I'll specifically mention music. I love telling people that MUSIC is a huge part of our family's life. It's the reason why you two even met (as members of the Gabriel Hardeman Delegation). It's the way that you provide for yourselves (as music educators). And it's integral to our worship experiences.
Thank you for teaching us about the power of music. . . and for explaining the importance of recognizing the messages within the songs that we sing and listen to.
In my younger years, I honestly felt jealous because of the time you would spend in meetings and rehearsals but I appreciate it all- now. I've been blessed to see the fruits of your labor across the different areas of your lives. . . from your community involvement, testimonials from students, and friends, and more. I've watched you be vocal about important topics even when it wasn't the popular thing to do. And you've been a proponent of the idea that it's not a matter of who is right but what is right!
I remember being embarrassed yet grateful when a man stopped me in the grocery store because he realized that I was your daughter. "Leon and Karen are your parents?!" he asked me. When I confirmed it, he yelled to the people around us, "Everyone! This is Leon and Karen Frison's daughter! Her parents are amazing! They are pillars in the community! We're blessed to have them in our county!" (I think that beat out my Chuck E. Cheese introduction for Dad. For those who haven't heard. . . when I was very very young, I was convinced that the famous mouse knew my father- simply because "He was a preacher." I don't know. . . don't ask lol.)
I'm grateful that you live out Proverbs 22:1 and focus on living with integrity.
Forward Motion & Full Support
This may seem selfish but one of the things that prompted me to write this post was your encouragement and support regarding my recent move.
This has been a bittersweet transition for all of us but I appreciate the fact that you haven't made me feel guilty about leaving. You both mentioned that my departure would leave voids- at home, church, and my former job but you believed that those needs would be met.
If anything, I always believed that you two would understand my situation- the most. I've certainly considered the fact that so many years ago, you two obeyed God and stepped out on faith in choosing to move Maryland. . . and now, I've done the same and ended up in the DFW area. Even that has been an inspiration to me because I've seen ways in which God has blessed you because of your obedience to Him! And I believe He'll continue to make ways for me too.
Thank you for pushing me to invest and believe in myself. . . to tackle challenges and to exercise my gifts. I'm still working on giving myself more credit but I know that if you hadn't been in my corner, I probably wouldn't have followed through with starting Ladies of Virtue. . . Empowered!, accepted opportunities for leadership, and/or found more ways to express myself through writing.
[And I definitely I see pieces of you in my personality, as I get older. I find myself speaking to strangers as if I've known them for years (like Dad). . . and reflecting (or trying to reflect) Mom's gentleness and wisdom.]
I really just wanted to show you that even if it seems like we aren't. . . your children are paying attention. We may not do the greatest job at letting you know but we do appreciate and love you. I am truly grateful for the relationship that we all have and the examples you've been.
Although we can't physically celebrate together, I hope this gift has made you smile.
Kara aka Bright Eyes
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