When you truly have a desire to learn and grow, you seriously can find valuable lessons in the most random locations and experiences. . . Even while you're cleaning your room. The first lesson came about while I was straightening up my nightstand. I have a desk lamp that also has an organizer with multiple compartments. In one of the larger sections, I had a pile of cards (business and gift cards). My initial thought was to dump the entire pile in the trash - simply because of how long it had been sitting there. After a minute, I figured that I should at least check the balances on the remaining gift cards. While most of them were already used/ almost empty, a few had the full valu e! I realized that sometimes we are quick to discard or throw away things (and people) . . . Rather than rushing to do this, we need to take the time to make informed decisions . We need to evaluate the roles that these people or items have in our lives. Is this person a blessing o...
Poems, thoughts and pictures that will inspire, challenge & encourage you! "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1