I've written/re-written this post so many times that I decided to start over and say what I think is really important. . . Ladies! It is so much more important to look for ways to improve your relationship with God- than to figure out how to "get a man!" I know... I know... I don't have one, BUT I'm fine with that (lol). In this day and time, it seems like ladies are struggling to recognize and walk in their worth. Some feel that they need a man to complete them or their life will have no purpose. If you need to be reminded, just read Psalm 139:14! "I thank you, High God-- You're breathtaking! Body & soul, I am marvelously made!" -{The Message//REMIX} It's so easy to get distracted in this thing called life. So we have to be careful, or else we'll lose focus on the things that are truly important. Let me take you back for a minute. . .when I was 19, I "dated" this guy and actually believed that he just migh...
Poems, thoughts and pictures that will inspire, challenge & encourage you! "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1