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Showing posts from August, 2023

Hydrangea Revelations

 A few months ago, I brought home a hydrangea bush. Now. . . don't be deceived or confused. I do NOT claim to have a green thumb.🤣 However, I'm proud to say that I've managed not to completely kill the entire thing. This plant has honestly brought a couple of lessons or revelations to the forefront of my mind. . . A good while ago, I completely fell off of any sort of watering schedule. One night, I walked into my living room and every leap was drooping. The plant just looked sad! My immediate thought was to throw the whole thing away. Instead, I thought again. . . I decided to water it & see what would happen in the morning. The next day, I walked out and it looked new!  Everything was upright!  Job 14:7-9 came to mind. . . "At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water, it will bud and put forth shoots lik...