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Showing posts from December, 2017

A Prayer for the [Overlooked & Unappreciated] Underdog

As much as I try to show compassion and concern for others. . . there are times when I feel that I have "selfish" moments. While I love to work behind-the-scenes, I often find myself wondering, "Is what I'm doing making an impact?" "Does anyone care?" "Am I making difference?" I feel like a lot of you may feel the same way. I'm praying that as you read this post, you will be encouraged to keep doing what you're doing- whether or not the acknowledgements or accolades come. I'm pretty sure that most of us have heard or used the term {underdog} before. Basically, it's the person who is less likely to be successful at achieving something. Maybe people think that this person doesn't possess enough strength, knowledge, or notoriety. For whatever reason, the idea is that they have set themselves up for failure by even/just deciding to go after a particular goal. Oftentimes, this title of "underdog" comes as a...