He was into me! And I thought he was fine! Tall, dark, and handsome. I smiled at the thought of him being mine. He was into me! He made me laugh and smile. Felt like I'd known him for years but it was only a short while. He was into me! We would talk for hours! I'd try to hang up the phone but it felt as if he was pulling me with superpowers. He was into me(!) but it was clear to see. . . A relationship with him just could not be. You see. . . I was into him! I mean- I was impressed! Still- something about the situation had me feeling distressed. I was into him(!) but I'd soon have to choose. And my relationship with Jesus was way too much to lose! I was into him! Yet God meant more to me. And I knew- from temptation I needed to flee. As much as I was into him. . . I'd made a vow to maintain my standards. I couldn't and won't abandon them now! Whether you're into him. Or he's into you. Here's some ...
Poems, thoughts and pictures that will inspire, challenge & encourage you! "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1