I almost forgot what I was worth. . . almost forgot that He loved me first but He reminded me. Things almost got out of hand. I almost walked out of His Will. . . His plan for me! Yet, He loved me! So much so, that He sent messages to me. Whether it was through a still, soft voice Or a gentle nudge to make the right choice. I heard it. I felt it. I heard Him say. . . Don't listen to the world’s sweet nothings. Everything's not gold- just because it glistens. I've created you for myself . I want to be your love, your joy. . . your help. When will you realize how much I love you? What more do I have to do?! I've given you strength, health and life. I can take what’s wrong and make it right. Don't sell yourself short! How I feel for you is in my Word. You’re wonderful beautiful fearfully made The love I have for you will never fade. Don’t let the world distract you. Simply set your affections on the things that are true Lovel...
Poems, thoughts and pictures that will inspire, challenge & encourage you! "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." - Proverbs 15:1